Protecting Yourself from Emotional Predators
March 27, 2019
It’s the product of decades of work, mostly in the family courts, as a mediator, arbitrator, and custody evaluator. It offers a new paradigm for understanding and dealing with the difficult people (aka personality disordered, narcissists, sociopaths, borderlines, toxic personalities, malignant personalities, etc…) who are prevalent in the family courts.
George Simon, author of In Sheep’s Clothing and Character Disturbance: The Phenomenon of Our Age said this about Steven’s book: “Many have written lately about the manipulative sorts who know how to manage impressions but heartlessly prey on your sensibilities to get the better of you. But Steven describes these emotional predators with uncommon clarity and accuracy, in an excellent writing style, and offers spot-on practical advice on how to best protect yourself to boot. A must read!”
Other pre-publication praise is at –!/reviews where you can also find other information about the book.
It will be available for purchase at our next meeting on April 3rd.