COAFCC October Training

The BIDC is sharing another announcement for a Training Requirement possibility posed by House Bill 23-1178 offered by the COFACC as follows:

Dear Colleague: A number of you have shared your concerns about complying with the domestic violence and child abuse training requirements imposed by House Bill 23-1178.  COAFCC is committed to assisting as much as possible.  We recently received the good news that our April 2023 training should cover all of the required domestic violence hours and one of the required child abuse training hours, if you attended both days.  If you attended that training, you should have received signed affidavits from two of the presenters.  If you did not, please contact April Freier at

Our national parent organization, AFCC, has communicated that they cannot provide the affidavits being required by our State Court Administrator’s office, particularly for past trainings.  We know this is a source of frustration.  Understand that AFCC is an international organization and is unable to provide state-specific affidavits.   However, the Colorado Chapter of AFCC will continue our best efforts to provide the required affidavits and quality training.   To that end, note that Mindy Mitnick, EdM, MA, will sign affidavits for those who attend her session on October 20, 2023 during our Fall Conference in Denver.  You can find conference registration information here:

COAFCC typically does not share information about outside privately sponsored training opportunities.  However, due to the limited time available for you to complete the HB1178 training requirements, we are sharing information about training opportunities that have come to our attention.  We do not endorse these trainings or make any representations as to whether they will comply with the requirements of HB1178 or the State Court Administrator’s Office.

Colorado School for Family Therapy

Violence-Free Colorado
Access the CFI and PRE Training Portal here or contact for more information.
