The BIDC is committed to providing relevant and high-quality information to professionals working in the field of divorce.
Attendees may receive CEU or CLE credits. For professionals who are not social workers or lawyers, a contact hour certificate is also awarded.
If you need any assistance registering for programs, please email us.
Ret. Judge Moss, Cynthia Ciancio, Esq. Bob Backerman, LCSW and Amelie Bracher, MA, LPC will be the program’s expert panelists. Their extensive knowledge is unsurpassed and is a program you don’t want to miss.
They will discuss topics related to testimony by mental health professionals including: How an attorney should prep a mental health professional they are calling as a witness; preparing for cross examination of an adverse witness who is a mental health professional; steps a mental health professional should take to prepare for being called a witness; ethical consideration of the mental health professional related to confidentially and disclosures during testimony; and when is a mental health professional a retained expert, unretained expert or lay witness and does that classification matter?